Michele Lorusso has left Vibram after three years with the company to return to the fashion industry. He had been acting lately as sales manager for its FiveFingers division. According to company officials, Lorusso was prompted by personal reasons.
Michele Lorusso has left Vibram after three years with the company to return to the fashion industry. He had been acting lately as sales manager for its FiveFingers division. According to company officials, Lorusso was prompted by personal reasons.
2024-09-08T11:19:00Z By Outdoor Industry Compass Editorial Team
Maussin previously spent the last 17 years at Michelin.
2024-09-04T08:11:00Z By Wolfgang Greiner
The US retail co-op expands Janes’ leadership role to oversee logistics and adventure travel operations.
2024-08-29T11:20:00Z By Wolfgang Greiner
The General Secretary of EOG has left the association, with Scott Nelson taking over the executive team’s management and secretariat as Managing Director.
2024-08-28T08:11:00Z By Wolfgang Greiner
Polartec’s owner has named Allen Jacoby President of its Textile Business, leveraging his extensive experience in innovation and strategy.
2024-08-28T06:11:00Z By Outdoor Industry Compass Editorial Team
Stephen Keller is replacing Ryan Faulkingham as Compass Diversified’s CFO.
2024-08-23T07:31:00Z By Wolfgang Greiner
Sabrina Glaß will be responsible for the strategic and operational development with a focus on digital presence.
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