With Movesense, a sophisticated sensor and development environment, Suunto is making it easier to rapidly develop and bring to market new, accurate, low-cost solutions for motion-sensing and biometrics. Whether applied to sports, agriculture, manufacturing or healthcare, Movesense can speed up the development of wearable sensors from years to days. The platform has now introduced a medical version of the sensor, Movesense MD, that can record single-channel clinical-quality ECG, motion and temperature signals, process them and send the resulting data wirelessly to smartphones via Bluetooth Low Energy. Movesense MD will be certified as a Class IIa Medical Device, according to the CE medical directive, and is manufactured to meet the ISO 60601 and ISO 13485 standards. It will be available commercially once it has received medical certification. It is already possible to build applications for the Movesense MD sensor within the existing Movesense development platform, which includes an open-sensor API, software libraries and source code for iOS and Android apps, sample code modules for the sensor and a desktop simulator for the sensor software. There are also physical accessories for attaching the sensor in different ways.