The European Commission has announced a proposal to tackle the issue of abandoned fishing gear (nets, pots, lines, traps, etc.). In a wide-ranging statement about how to reduce marine litter on May 28, the Commission said it will require producers of fishing gear containing plastics to cover the costs of waste collection from port reception facilities and its transport and treatment. They will also be required to cover the costs of awareness-raising measures. Abandoned, lost or disposed of fishing gear account for 27 percent of all beach litter found on European coasts. According to the EU's estimates, 20 percent of gear is lost at sea, for reasons that range from accidents, storms and entanglement to intentional abandonment. Fishing gear takes many years to degrade. It takes an estimated 600 years for monofilament fishing lines to degrade. The proposed measure builds on existing rules such as the EU's Marine Strategy Framework Directive, and complements other actions against marine pollution such as under the Port Reception Facilities Directive. The new proposal will now go to the European Parliament and Council for adoption.