GSI Outdoors, a family-owned U.S. company producing outdoor cooking and dining gear founded in 1985, has joined prAna’s Responsible Packaging Movement. GSI Outdoors was early to adopt sustainability measures, and continues to investigate ways to make the business’s environmental footprint as light as possible. Over the years, the company has also forged strong relationships with nonprofits and environmental causes, giving back to organizations including The Conservation Alliance, Leave No Trace, The Sam Project, and Outdoors Empowered. GSI Outdoors routinely sends spare or replacement parts to customers, believing it’s always better to repair a product than replace outright.

While prAna, started their journey towards more sustainable packaging back in 2010, The Responsible Packaging Movement is asking fellow brands and the entire global prAna community to join the journey towards eliminating excess packaging waste from supply chains in a responsible, long-lasting way.