The 1.5°C Business Playbook was first presented at the World Economic Forum 2020 in Davos as a spin-off of the world’s leading Exponential Roadmap co-founded by Johan Falk of the Stockholm Resilience Center (SRC). The Playbook is based on four different pillars. Each of the pillars is designed to help the economy drive the decisive change needed to achieve the 1.5°C target. The first pillar is concerned with reducing a company’s own emissions, followed by reducing emissions in the company’s value chain as the second pillar. The third pillar consists of redesigning the company’s products, services and projects so that they produce little or no emissions or even remove carbon from the atmosphere. The fourth pillar is to work with other social stakeholders to accelerate climate protection.


1.5°C Business Playbook

After working with the SRC to develop the very first company assessment based on the Planetary Boundaries report, Houdini has now joined the 1.5°C Business Playbook together with nine other new supporting partners, including the Uppsala Climate Protocol and the Swedish Textile Initiative for Climate Protection (STICA). The current network supporting the Playbook includes the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), WWF, Ericsson, Telia and IKEA.