All ClimatePartner articles
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ClimatePartner signs Climate Pledge
ClimatePartner has signed the Climate Pledge, an initiative launched in 2019 by Amazon and Global Optimism. Currently uniting 376 companies worldwide, the pledge means to reach the Paris Climate Initiative targets ten years ahead of schedule. By signing it, companies voluntarily commit to becoming CO2 neutral by 2040. Together with ...
Voluntary Carbon Market Rankings for 2022 and market analysis published
The Voluntary Carbon Market Rankings, published annually by online news and analysis service Environmental Finance, are on firmer footing in their third year of existence, with the number of completed returns doubling from around 2,000 in 2021 to nearly 4,000 this year, up from 1,500 two years ago. In general, ...
News briefs
Dimension-Polyant launches cleenTec seal for climate neutral fabrics
The German fabrics supplier Dimension-Polyant has launched a new seal to mark its range of climate-neutral fabrics that are made with recycled, bio-based and/or responsibly sourced material. The portfolio of cleenTEC certified fabrics includes the VX21 range of fabrics, which is now carbon neutral, along with its new RX and ...
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Green-Got integrates sustainability features into banking services in collaboration with MyClimate
In collaboration with ClimatePartner, the French start-up bank Green-Got has integrated a climate protection contribution into its current account offering. This is one of three steps the financial services provider is taking to transfer the idea of sustainable financial management from mere investment to the area of individual banking transactions. ...
News briefs
ClimatePartner opens new Spanish office in Barcelona
ClimatePartner has just opened its first office in Spain, a country already feeling the consequences of global heating with increasing draughts, wildfires and a rising sea level. Led by Tom Weseloh, former sustainability officer at Mediamarkt and managing director of a start-up focused on the development of Soil Organic Carbon ...
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Climate Partner and XU launch educational program School of Sustainability
The online education platform XU and the international climate protection company ClimatePartner are launching a platform-based qualification program for sustainability and climate protection, the jointly developed XU School of Sustainability. The program aims to qualify employees in climate protection and sustainability and make companies climate-ready. The XU School of Sustainability ...
News briefs
ClimatePartner is teaming up with sustainability network Uno Ino
ClimatePartner, a company for calculating CO2 emissions, developing reduction strategies and offsetting emissions, has started working with Uno Ino, a network headquartered in Nuremberg, Germany, founded in 2020 to anchor sustainability in the core business and core values of companies, organizations and society. By bringing together management consulting experts, sustainable ...
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Climate Action Summit by ClimatePartner hosted digitally and physically
During this year’s Climate Action Summit, scheduled on Nov. 24-25, Munich-based ClimatePartner plans to bring roughly 1,500 of its clients as well as company representatives and climate experts together to discuss upcoming challenges, opportunities for action and successes in the attempt to reach the Paris Climate agreement’s goals. The summit ...
News briefs
ClimatePartner expands to Italy
ClimatePartner, headquartered in Germany, is expanding its international market presence with a country office in Italy. Under the leadership of Giorgio Bertolini, sales manager Italy, a team will be established at the future location in Milan to build and expand business with new and existing clients in Italy. ClimatePartner’s services ...
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Mediaplus runs first climate-neutral TV ad calculated and offset with “Green GRP”
German advertising agency Mediaplus, part of the Serviceplan Group, is drawing attention to an issue that has received little attention in the industry: the carbon footprint associated with the production and distribution of advertising. To mark June 5, the UN’s World Environment Day, the agency launched the “World’s First Carbon ...
News briefs
Retailer Unterwegs joins the ranks of climate-neutral companies
German outdoor retailer Unterwegs GmbH has calculated the company’s corporate carbon footprint (CCF) with the help of sustainability consultancy ClimatePartner. Emission sources such as electricity and heating, printed materials and office supplies, as well as work commutes and business trips were taken into account. Despite a photovoltaic ...
News briefs
ClimatePartner joins ICROA
ClimatePartner joined the International Carbon Reduction and Offset Alliance (ICROA, in February. The non-profit organization ICROA promotes strict transparency and integrity principles in the area of voluntary climate protection. By becoming a member, ClimatePartner not only commits to adhering to these standards, but will also work with other members ...
News briefs
Approaching “net zero” with science based targets
The German company ClimatePartner reported that the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) - a collaboration between CDP, UN Global Compact, WRI and WWF - published five possible scenarios with which companies can bring their CO2 emissions towards “net zero.” The most ambitious approach is called “climate positive” and includes the ...
News briefs
bleed Clothing publishes 2018 CO2 emissions
The German clothing brand bleed Clothing, which has been climate-neutral since 2019 with the support of ClimatePartner, has published its CO2 emissions figures for 2018 caused by its vehicle fleet, employee travel, print products, water consumption and much more. According to these figures, CO2 emissions totaled 57 tons, which roughly ...
News briefs
ClimatePartner starts climate protection initiative for private individuals
The consulting firm ClimatePartner, previously active in consulting companies in the field of climate protection, has founded the non-profit organization ClimatePartner Foundation based in Berlin, whose goal is to offer private individuals a simple and effective solution to become active against climate change. Therefore it has developed the climate protection ...
News briefs
Löffler is climate neutral
In contrast to many other companies, for whom the relocation of many production steps to the Far East has become the norm, the Austrian textile manufacturer Löffler is proud to have responsibly produced in Austria and Europe since the company was founded in 1947. For many years, the company has ...
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Bergfreunde commits to offsetting greenhouse gas emissions
Bergfreunde, the German outdoor retail specialist, has taken a big step towards climate neutrality. Bergfreunde is a sister company to, the largest online retailer of premium outdoor sports gear and apparel in the U.S. The German online retailer recorded total sales of more than €100 million in 2019, for ...