Backpack specialist Deuter is raffling off three scholarships for the demanding and diversified qualifying examination to become a state-certified mountain and ski guide among outdoor enthusiasts who want to turn their passion into a profession. Deuter will pay the course fee of €1,000 for the first three winners; places four to six will win a backpack (Guide Lite 22 SL or 24). To participate, you must be admitted to the 2021 qualifying examination by the Association of German Mountain and Ski Guides (VDBS). If you want to get a first idea of the challenging qualifying examination for the state-certified mountain and ski guide, we recommend the Deuter film “Becoming a guide”. 

The scholarship application and much more information is available at (German site). You may also want to read the admission rules of the VDBS. The application for admission to the mountain guide training is available here.